We need help plsease

a sample has many annotations, how to kown which annotation belongs to a certain direction 's photo?
for example, the sample below, l want to find out all the annotations that turned out in ‘CAM_FRONT’ photo.

my_sample = nusc.get(‘sample’, first_sample_token)

{‘token’: ‘ca9a282c9e77460f8360f564131a8af5’,
‘timestamp’: 1532402927647951,
‘prev’: ‘’,
‘next’: ‘39586f9d59004284a7114a68825e8eec’,
‘scene_token’: ‘cc8c0bf57f984915a77078b10eb33198’,
‘data’: {‘RADAR_FRONT’: ‘37091c75b9704e0daa829ba56dfa0906’,
‘RADAR_FRONT_LEFT’: ‘11946c1461d14016a322916157da3c7d’,
‘RADAR_FRONT_RIGHT’: ‘491209956ee3435a9ec173dad3aaf58b’,
‘RADAR_BACK_LEFT’: ‘312aa38d0e3e4f01b3124c523e6f9776’,
‘RADAR_BACK_RIGHT’: ‘07b30d5eb6104e79be58eadf94382bc1’,
‘LIDAR_TOP’: ‘9d9bf11fb0e144c8b446d54a8a00184f’,
‘CAM_FRONT’: ‘e3d495d4ac534d54b321f50006683844’,
‘CAM_FRONT_RIGHT’: ‘aac7867ebf4f446395d29fbd60b63b3b’,
‘CAM_BACK_RIGHT’: ‘79dbb4460a6b40f49f9c150cb118247e’,
‘CAM_BACK’: ‘03bea5763f0f4722933508d5999c5fd8’,
‘CAM_BACK_LEFT’: ‘43893a033f9c46d4a51b5e08a67a1eb7’,
‘CAM_FRONT_LEFT’: ‘fe5422747a7d4268a4b07fc396707b23’},
‘anns’: [‘ef63a697930c4b20a6b9791f423351da’,

Hi. You have to compute it based on the box position and the camera extrinsics. Note that an annotation can be in multiple cameras! The method render_annotation does something very similar to render an annotation in the camera that best covers it and you can just adapt it: https://github.com/nutonomy/nuscenes-devkit/blob/master/python-sdk/nuscenes/nuscenes.py

Thanks for your help first.
Can you explain in detail please?
We don’t know how to determine camera extrinsics value.
Moreover, we want to determine the relation in batch ,so we can not use the “reder” method to reder one by one.

Apologies. It seems my link was broken.
Take a look at this section: https://github.com/nutonomy/nuscenes-devkit/blob/master/python-sdk/nuscenes/nuscenes.py#L925
It returns the camera for which the specified box is visible in the camera. You just need to take this code and paste it into a new method. You can then loop over all annotations. If this is too slow you may have to take get_sample_data() apart to achieve further speed-ups.

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