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Topic Replies Activity
About vx_rms and vy_rms 1 May 15, 2024
The coordinate system from the return of from_file_multisweep() 1 March 6, 2024
Velocity from Nuscenes data 1 March 4, 2024
Information on Reference Frames 8 February 7, 2024
Number of moving instances 1 June 15, 2023
Lon/Lat of origin points 5 April 1, 2023
What is the radar model? Does it provide point cloud by default? 1 February 3, 2023
Lidar motional compensation & PCD projection to images 1 November 30, 2022
Scenes of the NuImages Dataset 1 November 16, 2022
Details for motion compensation 2 September 13, 2022
About 2D bounding boxes 2 August 31, 2022
Sensor calibration: why quaternion instead of Euler angles? 2 August 16, 2022
3d render to 2d questions 3 July 26, 2022
Why are there four steps to render the point clouds to img 3 July 12, 2022
Difference between vehicle_speed and wheel_speed sensors 5 July 8, 2022
Why is there multiple kinds of translation & rotation matrix for same sensor 5 July 6, 2022
Lane and road border annotated (ground thruth) LIDAR dataset needed 8 July 4, 2022
Are these the totak number of points for scene 0, with range(18) for all arguments 4 June 15, 2022
Camera Setup Info 2 May 31, 2022
Radar vx vy and vx_comp vy_comp 16 May 17, 2022
Details lidar motion distortion 2 November 25, 2021
Reading Radar PCD Binary Files 4 November 9, 2021
RADAR data details 6 November 9, 2021
Is NuScenes data build on only outdoor environment? 3 November 1, 2021
Positions of the camera 6 September 20, 2021
Ground Truth Velocities 2 September 10, 2021
Raw Radar Cluster Filteration 2 September 8, 2021
Can I get details of the LiDAR data? 2 September 2, 2021
I have questions about the radar sensor 3 August 25, 2021
Radar point z value 6 July 27, 2021