Align Lidar and Radar data to Front camera FOV, including the Annotations

I would like to align the data as per the Front camera. It would be great help, if you could share the details for below points

  1. The overlap of the FOV for all the sensors
  2. Is there a function to crop/merge the Top_Lidar and Radar’s data as per the front camera FOV? or how to perform this?
  3. While performing this, does the annotations of the camera, matches (identical) the cropped-Lidar and Radar data? if its not matched, how to correct this and have single annotation as per Front camera FOV?
  1. See
  2. Just use the render functions, e.g. render_pointcloud_in_image.
  3. Take a look at render_sample() ( You can see that we have code to render the annotations correctly in each sensor. Then dig deeper to take the one you are interested in.