Built in Functions

Hi, I’m newly interested in working with the nuScenes dataset. I’m currently trying to understand how it works. I’ve been able to run the commands as instructed in the tutorial on Google Colab. However, when I attempted to inspect the used functions, such as “nusc.render_sample,” I found the definition as below:

def render_sample(self, sample_token: str,
box_vis_level: BoxVisibility = BoxVisibility.ANY,
nsweeps: int = 1,
out_path: str = None,
show_lidarseg: bool = False,
filter_lidarseg_labels: List = None,
lidarseg_preds_bin_path: str = None,
verbose: bool = True,
show_panoptic: bool = False) -> None:
self.explorer.render_sample(sample_token, box_vis_level, nsweeps=nsweeps, out_path=out_path,
show_lidarseg=show_lidarseg, filter_lidarseg_labels=filter_lidarseg_labels,
lidarseg_preds_bin_path=lidarseg_preds_bin_path, verbose=verbose,

I think there should be another built-in function to define the self.explorer.render_sample , but I couldn’t find it. I’m not sure if I’m on the right track