Combining map patch with top down lidar data


I was wondering if anyone tried to combine map data with top down view of lidar. Specifically what I would like to do is render map patch with certain layers on it and combine it with a sample data from lidar from a specific sample.

An example of rendered lidar data is shown in tutorial cell [53], the road as well as the agents are well defined, however. the only addition that I would like to make is actually adding the layers semantic information on the actual road. An example of layered road is shown in map tutorial cell [10].

In addition I was wondering if there would be a way to retrieve such data or even just lidar data in real-time. Currently it takes few seconds for the data to be retrieved as a figure, I would like to see it being retrieved in real time i.e. image of type numpy for instance.


Hi Duli,

we do use top-down views of lidar internally, but haven’t published them. I’d suggest you modify this script to output top-down renderings. It already includes features to align the point clouds and remove the ego vehicle.

If you want to retrieve the data in real-time I suggest you cache a large image in RAM, as we did with the original nuScenes map.


Thanks a lot, Ill look into it :slight_smile: