Is there any method which returns the points lying in a specific bounding box or have you labeled the points given their annotations, for example car/truck?
Thanks in advance.
Is there any method which returns the points lying in a specific bounding box or have you labeled the points given their annotations, for example car/truck?
Thanks in advance.
the method does not exist, but should be quite easy to implement using the fast points_in_box
method: https://github.com/nutonomy/nuscenes-devkit/blob/master/python-sdk/nuscenes/utils/geometry_utils.py#L111
Note however that running this on the entire dataset would be quite slow as every single pointcloud must be loaded.
i am making a custom dataset from nuScenes dataset for my master thesis. i want to gather the position and velocity info front front radar data and convert it to speed and distance info.
for this i want radar points which are inside a particular bounding box and then calculate the speed and distance info.
I am a beginner in coding and i am struggling with the use of points_in_box method and getting a certain error that canβt understand but i know that this error could be solved if i understand how to use the points_in_box method.
I also want to know that am I using the Box class correctly?
Could you please help me with it?..please
here is the code: (this is not the entire code, just a code snippet)
for ann_token in sample['anns']:
# Get the annotation record
ann_record = nusc.get('sample_annotation', ann_token)
# Create a Box instance for the annotation
ann_box = Box(ann_record['translation'], ann_record['size'], pq.Quaternion(ann_record['rotation']))
# For each radar point
for pt in pc:
# Check if the box contains the point
if points_in_box(ann_box, pt[:3, :].T).any():
#print(f"Point {point} is within the bounding box of annotation {ann_token}")
# Append the point to the list
radar_points_in_box.append(pt[:3, :].T)
# Create a dictionary with the box information and the radar points
box_data = {
'size': ann_box.wlh,
'translation': ann_box.center,
'rotation': ann_box.orientation,
'radar_points': radar_points_in_box
# Append the dictionary to the dataset
return dataset
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 76>()
75 # Create custom dataset
β> 76 temp_dataset = create_custom_dataset(nusc)
in create_custom_dataset(nusc)
55 for pt in pc:
56 # Check if the box contains the point
β> 57 if points_in_box(ann_box,pt[:3, :].T).any():
58 #print(f"Point {point} is within the bounding box of annotation {ann_token}")
59 # Append the point to the list
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed
i made some changes but i am still facing some issues:
for scene in nusc.scene:
# Get all sample tokens in the scene
sample_tokens = nusc.field2token('sample', 'scene_token', scene['token'])
# Get front camera and radar data for each sample in the scene
for sample_token in sample_tokens:
sample = nusc.get('sample', sample_token)
# Get front-radar data
radar_data = nusc.get('sample_data', sample['data']['RADAR_FRONT'])
pcl_path = osp.join(nusc.dataroot, radar_data['filename'])
# Load radar data
radar_points = RadarPointCloud.from_file(pcl_path, dynprop_states=[0,1,2,3,6])
pc = radar_points.points.T
# Get radar-to-ego transformation
radar_pose_rec = nusc.get('ego_pose', radar_data['ego_pose_token'])
radar_cs_rec = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', radar_data['calibrated_sensor_token'])
radar_to_ego = transform_matrix(radar_cs_rec['translation'], pq.Quaternion(radar_cs_rec['rotation']), inverse=False)
# Get front-camera data
camera_data = nusc.get('sample_data', sample['data']['CAM_FRONT'])
# Get ego-to-camera transformation
camera_pose_rec = nusc.get('ego_pose', camera_data['ego_pose_token'])
camera_cs_rec = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', camera_data['calibrated_sensor_token'])
ego_to_camera = transform_matrix(camera_cs_rec['translation'], pq.Quaternion(camera_cs_rec['rotation']), inverse=True)
# Extract position and velocity information from radar data
# convert it to distance and speeds information
# Transform radar points to camera frame
points_radar = pc[:3, :] # We only take the x, y, z coordinates
points_ego = np.dot(radar_to_ego, np.vstack((points_radar, np.ones(points_radar.shape[1]))))
points_camera = np.dot(ego_to_camera, points_ego)
radar_points_in_box = []
# For each annotation
for ann_token in sample['anns']:
# Get the annotation record
ann_record = nusc.get('sample_annotation', ann_token)
# Create a Box instance for the annotation
ann_box = Box(ann_record['translation'], ann_record['size'], pq.Quaternion(ann_record['rotation']))
# For each radar point
for pt in points_camera:
# Check if the box contains the point
if points_in_box(ann_box, points=pt).any():
#print(f"Point {point} is within the bounding box of annotation {ann_token}")
# Append the point to the list
# Create a dictionary with the box information and the radar points
box_data = {
'size': ann_box.wlh,
'translation': ann_box.center,
'rotation': ann_box.orientation,
'radar_points': radar_points_in_box
# Append the dictionary to the dataset
return dataset