How can I convert 3D bounding boxes to 2D bounding boxes on the camera?

Hello! How can I convert 3D bounding boxes in Lidar coordinate to 2D bounding boxes on the camera? When I determine which cameras the box is in, I have used box_in_image() function. But some boxes are still can’t find accurate camera positions. Do you have accurate relative position relation between cameras coordinate and lidar coordinate or cameras coordinate and lidar coordinate?

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Hi @nmll, you could take inspiration from our method which maps a pointcloud to the image plane:

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OK, Thanks very much !

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Hi, I tried that link to project 3D bounding boxes in Lidar Coordinate to 2D bouding boxes on the camera. however, It doesn’t work. But when I tried that link to project lidar point cloud onto images, it works. So I guess 3D bounding boxes and LiDAR point clouds are not in the same coordinate…
is there any other solution??

@Konyul_Park pls refer to this:

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