How to generate .json files

Hello everybody,

Actually, i did train the model 2DPASS with nuscenes dataset V1.0-mini.

now, i wanna test my own taken dataset, which includes 3D lidar .bin files, on the pre trained model 2DPASS.

the issue that I am facing is that I need to generate .json files to my own dataset to match similarly the same structure of nuscenes.

my question how to easily generate this json files to make the model load and read my dataset for test that follow the same structure as nuscenes !

i wanna generate this json files for only 18 scenes of test:

attribute.json/ calibrated_sensor.json/ category.json/ ego_pose.json/ instance.json/ lidarseg.json/ log.json/ map.json/ sample.json/ sample_annotation.json/ sample_data.json/ scene.json/ sensor.json/ visibility.json

is there any methods, tools, or already developed codes that make this process !

thank you for your precious help !

@Whye_Kit_Fong would you please answer to my question, thank you in advance

@holger-motional would you please answer to my question, thank you in advance