Initialization problem

When I was using “nusc.list lidarseg categories(sort by=‘count’)”,Error: nuScenes-lidarseg not installed!
I downloaded the ‘nuScenes-lidarseg-mini-v1.0’ and ‘nuScenes-panoptic-v1.0-mini’ according to the tutorial. How should I solve it?

Pls check if your dataset folder structure is as follows (especially the contents of v1.0-mini):

└── nuscenes  
    ├── Usual nuscenes folders (i.e. samples, sweep)
    ├── lidarseg
    │   └── v1.0-mini
    ├── panoptic
    │   └── v1.0-mini
    └── v1.0-mini
        ├── Usual files (e.g. attribute.json, calibrated_sensor.json etc.)
        ├── lidarseg.json  <- contains the mapping of each .bin file to the token
        ├── panoptic.json  <- contains the mapping of each .npz file to the token 

The problem has been solved. It is my path’s problem. Thank you for your answer