Query on Radar Point Cloud Data Generation method/Process


I wanted to understand radar pcd file generation method/process in the format given in \nuscenes-devkit-master\python-sdk\nuscenes\utilsdata_classes.py. Can you provide the method for generating the pcd file from radar data.

Thank you,

And can you please provide the Radar Documentation to understand how point clouds are computed from radar samples.

Hi. Please contact holger@nutonomy.com for the documentation.
For the radar data, we get it straight from the radar and store it in the open PCD format (in ASCII) for pointclouds. A good website that explains this was http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/pcd_file_format.php, but it’s currently not working.

Hi Holger,

Thanks for the response.

Can you provide more details/method to convert the Radar point clouds into PCD format as mentioned in data_classes.py.


Unfortunately we don’t have such tools. Try to search for it online, or write your own.
Good luck.