I used the codes below to get the radar points from a specific instance.
current_sample_ann = nusc.get('sample_annotation', obj_sample_ann_token)
print("num_radar_pts from sample annotation: " + str(current_sample_ann['num_radar_pts']))
current_sample = nusc.get('sample', current_sample_ann['sample_token'])
mask = []
radars = [key for key in current_sample['data'].keys() if 'RADAR' in key]
for radar in radars:
# Return boxes and radar pts in sensor coord sys
data_path, boxes, _ = nusc.get_sample_data(current_sample['data'][radar],
pc = RadarPointCloud.from_file(data_path)
# Then use points_in_box to check if the radar pts fall into the box
arr = points_in_box(boxes[0], pc.points[0:3, :], wlh_factor=1.0)
print("num_radar_pts from pcd files: " + str(mask.count(True)))
So I used the function get_sample_data to get the box of a specific instance. Next, read all the radar points, and then used points_in_box function to check if the point in that box. Finally, I calculated the number of the points in that box.
At the same time, I compared the number of radar points I got with the num_radar_pts in the sample_annotation. What I found is these two numbers are different. In my case, I got something as following:
************************************* Scene name: scene-0061 Description: Parked truck, construction, intersection, turn left, following a van Number of samples: 39 ************************************* num_radar_pts from sample annotation: 13 *************************************** num_radar_pts from pcd files: 7 ***************************************
My questions are:
- Is the same way how the num_radar_pts is calculated?
- If 1. is true, should I put wlh_factor=1.0 into the function points_in_box when calculating the number of radar points?
- If 1. is true, should I use function RadarPointCloud.from_file to load the radar points from pcd file? It seems that this function has filtered some radar points.
- If 1. is false, what’s the exact way to calculate num_radar_pts in sample_annotation?