I am trying to run Draco ( link : https://github.com/google/draco ) compression algorithm on Lidar part of Nuscenes dataset. However the lidar files are provided is pcd.bin file format.
Is there any way to convert .pcd.bin files to ply file format (Polygon File Format) ? As Draco works with ply file format.
Hi, we don’t provide a converter, but our data is really just a numpy error, which we found out is the most efficient format for loading. You can load the lidar pointclouds with
I understand that pcd.bin file is created by removing header information from .pcd lidar files. Can you please let me know where can I find header information like how many fields are present in this file.
PCD is a standard format, so there should be a number of libraries. I suggest to google it. I think it is good enough for lidar. The reason we used the binary numpy format was that it is the fastest to load in Python.