
Topic Replies Activity
About the Howto category 2 August 14, 2019
Visual model detection results (3d bbox) 1 July 13, 2024
Lidar points and ground truth boxes 1 July 11, 2024
How to split the trainval data into train and validation data? 5 July 10, 2024
How to generate .json files 3 July 4, 2024
How to render results in image and BEV 3 July 4, 2024
Getting real-time data 1 June 20, 2024
Creating Videos without Bounding Boxes 5 April 26, 2024
Adding RGB Info to each Point of Point Cloud 4 April 20, 2024
Questions about Lidar Data 1 March 4, 2024
Radar and Lidar visualization 1 February 15, 2024
Get points of bounding box 4 January 27, 2024
How to run render_pointcloud_in_image based on an image path 1 January 20, 2024
Radar detections from given dataset files 1 January 20, 2024
Make a costum dataset from nuScenes dataset 1 January 11, 2024
Lidar point cloud time-series stitching 1 January 13, 2024
Radar data bounding box 1 December 22, 2023
Augmenting the LiDAR data (Creating a .pcd.bin file) 2 December 18, 2023
Evaluation of ego vehicle trajectory prediction 1 November 26, 2023
Front camera axis to imu axis 1 November 1, 2023
RADAR point cloud data 14 May 22, 2023
How to use the data in sweeps 3 April 28, 2023
Radar velocity: vx_comp vy_comp 1 March 25, 2023
How to train the model using a smaller dataset? 3 March 21, 2023
Trouble installing and using nuplan_devkit 1 March 14, 2023
How to transfrom from camera coordinate to another camera coordinate 1 March 9, 2023
Distance estimation DNN trained on NuScenes 1 February 5, 2023
How can I visualize ego pose point on semantic map? 1 January 15, 2023
Mostly Tracked / Lost as Fraction of all Instances / Tracks 1 January 10, 2023
How to get the yaw angle of 2D annotation box 1 January 3, 2023