
Topic Replies Activity
How can I get trajectory of all annotated cars in one scene? 2 October 13, 2021
How to use nusc and nuim at the same time 4 September 30, 2021
How to get Bird Eye surround view? 2 September 23, 2021
Planning KL Calculation 5 September 21, 2021
How to calculate the lat/long of the ego vehicle 1 August 30, 2021
Convert center of bottom edge face of camera 3d bbox to the ego-vehicle frame 1 August 30, 2021
How to access instance token given sample token? 3 August 18, 2021
Distorted LiDAR Point Cloud 6 July 30, 2021
Aggregate and display all 5 radar pointclouds under ego coordinates 1 July 28, 2021
Radar velocity vectors 6 July 19, 2021
Transforming radar point cloud to global map frame 8 July 13, 2021
I wonder if it is possible to also aggregate Lidar Segmentation Points 3 July 13, 2021
Base Map 3D point Cloud and Ground Points 2 July 8, 2021
Getting the all ordered sample data in a scene 8 July 4, 2021
Yaw from Quaternion 5 May 18, 2021
Angular velocity of sample_annotations 4 May 18, 2021
Modifying map output from nuScenes data 3 April 28, 2021
How can I get pedestrian position information? 2 April 28, 2021
How to convert LiDAR points from global coordinate frame to EGO-frame? 2 April 15, 2021
Problem with conversion from nuscenes into Kitti? 2 April 15, 2021
Obtaining Point cloud range for FRONT_CAM 4 April 15, 2021
Fusing LIDAR sweeps with keyframe 9 April 10, 2021
Project LiDAR to image plane only for annotated items 2 April 5, 2021
How to load trainval data 3 February 22, 2021
Data Acquisition Hertz 2 February 18, 2021
Obtain videos longer than 20s? 2 February 14, 2021
Align RADAR_FRONT data to the CAM_FRONT images 6 January 27, 2021
How can I download datasets from a terminal? Or please let me know the URI of where datasets exist 3 December 3, 2020
Ego pose of frames 9 November 9, 2020
How to get the data of LiDAR and RADAR from the rendered pointcloud 2 September 18, 2020